" I am a Type-I Bi-Polar who was not diagnosed and medicated until I was 45 years old. Bi-polar medication turned my life around; however, I still struggle with my mental disease even after fifteen years of amazing success with bi-polar meds! I have been using a Lifestream Generator for just over one year and it is the next key thing in my recovery. My Lifestream Generator does not replace my bi-polar meds, but it clearly aids me in my daily struggle. Using my Lifestream Generator has improved my mood and has been a remarkable aid in my sleeping patterns. I am now able to get to sleep much easier and obtain a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep. Regardless of your mental health I believe you will be more relaxed in your daily routine and will achieve faster and deeper sleep if you consistently use a Lifestream Generator. "
- Ken 2020